
Erfolgreiche Therapie einer pulmonalen Aspergillose bei einem Patienten mit Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom. Pneumologie 52 (5) (1998) 257-262

P. Nenoff, L.-C. Horn, J. Winkler, R. Haupt.


Tinea capitis et corporis durch Microsporum canis. derm Prakt Dermatologie 3 (1997) 302-308

P. Nenoff, Silke Gebauer, M. Rytter & U.-F. Haustein.


Tinea corporis due to Trichophyton tonsurans Malmsten. Report of a patient from Zaire. mycoses 40 (1997) 127-129

P. Nenoff, U.-F. Haustein.


Rare fatal simultaneous mould infection of the lung caused by Aspergillus flavus and the Basidiomycete Coprinus species in a leukaemic patient. Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 35 (1997) 65-69

P. Nenoff, T. Friedrich, Helga Schwenke, M. Mierzwa, L.-C. Horn, U.-F. Haustein.


Lethal disseminated invasive mycosis caused by Scedosporium prolificans in an AIDS patient with Burkitt lymphoma. mycoses 39 (1996) 461-465

P. Nenoff, U. Gütz, Kathrin Tintelnot, A. Bosse-Henck, M. Mierzwa, J. Hofmann, L.-C. Horn, U.-F. Haustein.


Peracute disseminated fatal Aspergillus fumigatus sepsis as a complication of corticoid-treated systemic lupus erythematosus. Report of a case and review of literature. mycoses 38 (1995) 467-471

P. Nenoff, L.-C. Horn, M. Mierzwa, R. Leonhardt, H. Weidenbach, Irena Lehmann, U.-F. Haustein.


Mykotische Panophthalmitis bei generalisierter Aspergillose. Pathologe 14 (1993) 283-286

M. Werner, P. Nenoff, P. Meier & H. Schwenke.
